We are no longer accepting clothes or furniture.

Our 2024 rummage sale is June 20, 21, and 22!

Donations can be dropped off during open house days, Thursday 6pm-9pm and Saturdays, 10am to 3pm. The last day to donate is Saturday, May 25.

Our largest fundraiser...

Each year we hold a colossal rummage sale benefiting our shelter!

Donations: Rummage donations can be dropped off during open house days, Thursday 6pm-9pm and Saturdays, 10am to 3pm. We do not accept clothes or furniture. The last day to donate is Saturday, May 25.

Sponsors: We are in need of sponsors and offer two tiers, $20 or $100. Please email, call or visit us during Open House hours to donate. If you mail your check to the shelter, please put Attention: Dorothy.

We have everything from A to Z on sale: electronics, collectibles, glassware, music, bedding, housewares, home décor, some tools, children’s items, frames, variety of holiday stuff, and pet items. Rain or shine!