Thank You VIP Rummage Sponsors!

A HUGE thank you to our VIP rummage sponsors for 2023:

A HUGE thank you to all of our 2023 sponsors: Bark n Scratch, Community Vet, What's Baking?, Vincent Bobot Law Office, St. Francis Dental, Judy Dubrosky, Chris Milewski, Barb and Mark Levreault, Vicki Schreiber, Tower Chicken, Redners Cat Figurine Mewseum, Cafe Lulu, Gwenn Matkey, Trudy and Tom Mollan, Ruthmansdorfer Law Group, Wayne and Kathy Groth, Lisa Krolasik, Cindy Donahoe, Jerry and Dorothy Bozich, Kimmel Kitties, Spike the Toothless Wonder and Martin & Dianna, Father-Daughter Team Real Estate, Casey Falk.

Our rummage sale would not be possible without YOUR sponsorships! And thank you to everyone else who donated to our rummage sale.

Michelle PassanteComment